Thursday, September 27, 2012

Be a Giver of Hope

Choose not to let the problems of the world get to you. You can not afford to lose your joy. So, just because someone you know is going through a hard time or maybe it’s an event that has occurred in world and millions are living in anger doesn’t mean that you have to walk out those same emotions. Anger drains you. Frustration drains you. Sadness & depression suck the life right out of you. When someone is going through a battle in life or just having a bad day at work the best thing you can do is to be yourself. Lend an ear. Give some of your happiness to them. It does no good to your friend if you too, take part in their anger or frustration.

A reminder to those of you facing a difficult time right now would be to take a minute to look around & see what is good. There is more good than bad in this world. Look for it.

Hope is not.....

“Hope is not blind optimism. It's not ignoring the enormity of the task ahead or the roadblocks that stand in our path. It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it. Hope is the belief that destiny will not be written for us, but by us, by the men and women who are not content to settle for the world as it is, who have the courage to remake the world as it should be.” Armstrong Williams

What is Fourth Day?

I recently was asked to minister at Victory Church of Highland Lakes in Marble Falls, TX. In preparation for the message for this church God gave me the message of Hope in the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. This place was the 1st time I had the revelation of the "Fourth Day" and from there I have continued to receive new words and understanding concerning God's Love and our Hope in Him. 
In a time when hope seems to be fading in the hearts of people in this world I feel that God has given me a message that surpasses hope as we know it. Christians stop at the 3rd day, when Christ was risen. I have found that there is a fourth day that we all seem to have forgotten about. This project, Fourth Day is the continuation after the 3 days that took place when Jesus went to the cross and rose again. The Fourth Day symbolizes victory, power, restoration, increase, and so much more. Here I will show you just that! 

Who is Patty Garcia?

I'm glad you asked! I am married to an amazing man, and together we have a 7-year-old daughter named Jessy Nicole, and a 3-year-old little girl named Nina Sophia. We love God with everything we have and are. I love my family and am so blessed! I spend most of my time with my hubby and little girls.
We are apart of the team at Life Unlimited Church in Lockhart, TX where we enjoy serving in the church and being a part of changing people's lives. We thank God each and everyday for this life he has blessed us with and thank him for the breath that we have and the food that is always on our table. We serve a mighty and good God, and if you don't know Who I am talking about, I hope I have the opportunity to introduce you to him.
I gave my heart to Jesus at the age of 12 at the same church I am still a part of today with my own family. I was baptized in the holy ghost shortly after that. In May 2000, I graduated from Lockhart High School and headed out to Texas Bible Institute in Columbus, TX ! After graduating from TBI in the year 2002 I made the decision to come home and serve my pastor at my home church. I have been a youth pastor, children's pastor, ministry of helps director, and I also serve on the praise and worship team at LUC.
In 2008, our lives were completey disrupted by an unexpected attack concerning my husband and his job of more than 10 years. Due to the economy and the hard times we were all facing in this country he was let go from his position. Hector was one of the top paying agents there! This was a huge shock, dissappointment, and in the midst of uncertainty we chose to stand and stand on the Word of God. Here we are 4 years later! We had lost so much because our finances were not the same. No matter how hard we worked or the extra odd jobs we did to try to make a living for our girls things just couldn't get back to normal. We had no choice but to remain focused on God's promises! Our marriage never took a back seat, our girls needs as well as our's were always met, and today we are further along in life than we would have been had we taken our eyes off of Jesus and on our problems. Today, I am experiencing my FOURTH DAY in Jesus.
I look forward to sharing more of my life with you here at Fourth Day! Thank you for visiting and may you leave this site knowing that God is good, and you will rise above whatever it is you are facing! God is on your side!