Thursday, September 27, 2012

What is Fourth Day?

I recently was asked to minister at Victory Church of Highland Lakes in Marble Falls, TX. In preparation for the message for this church God gave me the message of Hope in the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead. This place was the 1st time I had the revelation of the "Fourth Day" and from there I have continued to receive new words and understanding concerning God's Love and our Hope in Him. 
In a time when hope seems to be fading in the hearts of people in this world I feel that God has given me a message that surpasses hope as we know it. Christians stop at the 3rd day, when Christ was risen. I have found that there is a fourth day that we all seem to have forgotten about. This project, Fourth Day is the continuation after the 3 days that took place when Jesus went to the cross and rose again. The Fourth Day symbolizes victory, power, restoration, increase, and so much more. Here I will show you just that! 

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