In John 5, you will see we are going to be talking about the lame man at the pool of Bethesda. Have you heard of it? The Pool of Bethesda was a pool that when stirred by the angels anyone needing a miracle could get in and immediately be healed. I find this certain story of a lame man very interesting. You see, being in the church for most of my youth days and now adult days I have only heard this particular message as one of healing for the body of Christ. Never, have I heard it the way I am about to explain it to you. Open your heart to receive the word I am about to give you. I pray that as you are reading this blog, this message, that the Holy Spirit would teach you something new. That you would step away from this blog and walk in the power that God has given you, that lives right on the inside of you.
Here we go! Read John 5:1-5. My version is the New Living Translation.
(John 5:1-5) Afterward Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. Inside the city, near the Sheep Gate, was the pool of Bethesda, with five covered porches. Crowds of sick people—blind, lame, or paralyzed—lay on the porches.One of the men lying there had been sick for thirty-eight years.
We are going to talk about the man who had been sick for 38 years!!!! Can you believe that? 38 years! Wow, why did it have to take him so long to get to this moment? Well, I believe it was an inside thing, a spiritual thing more than a physical restraint.
If you continue reading in John, verse 6 says that Jesus asked the man if he was willing to get well. Other translations say, "are you earnestly seeking to get better?" or "are you seriously trying to get well?" Today, I wonder how many people in today's world are living like this lame man. He went to the pool every single time it was stirred to try to get in. I don't know about you but if that were me and I had been dealing with this annoyance for 38 years don't you think I'd do whatever I could possibly do to get my rear end in that pool!? Yeah, I thought so.
Keep reading. We're in John 5:7. The lame man's response to Jesus was somewhat like this, "I can't sir. Every time I try to get in the pool someone else always gets in before me."
Does that sound like someone you know? Someone you know very well? Let me bring it closer to home. Here are some of the things we may catch ourselves saying.
- I believe you've healed me, but I want the doctor to take another test.
- I want to buy that house, but I don't think my credit score is good enough.
- I walk by faith and not by sight, but man Lord, times are hard right now.
I can say the same thing for myself. I have come to the conclusion that no more will I allow myself to fall back in my faith (my believing and speaking). There is no way I am going to allow certain situations or hard times linger in my life like this man did. I hope you'll do the same.
After the lame man tells Jesus all about his situation he then tells the lame man to "get up". That's all it took. The lame man got up and walked on. He walked away completely healed!
Why did this happen so suddenly for him? After all, he waited 38 years for this. I believe there are some of you who have been waiting around for the perfect condition, for the right answer, for the green light from God, or perhaps you are waiting in fear, you're at a complete stand still in life. Whatever it is that has you waiting around the "Pool of Bethesda" your time is now. God is already in you. He has already equipped you with every tool you need in this life to be an over comer, a champion in Him, and he's left you the Holy Ghost.
So, if you are reading this and you are asking yourself what happened to the lame man? Why did he have such a quick turn around? Let me show you. This is what I believed happened to him.
The first thing I want to point out to you is that the man didn't even step foot into the pool. Jesus had all the power in the world to stop the pool and stop everyone in time at that moment. He could have easily done that for him and had the man walk into the pool to receive his healing. Why didn't he? Well, two things happened here. One, Jesus responded to faith. The lame man said he was TRYING to get there to the pool. He said EVERY time he tried someone always got in the way. Jesus is moved by faith not by need. He is moved by faith! So, I believe that's what Jesus heard. He heard faith. He wanted this man to get well. He wanted this man to be able to move ahead in life. It was his time! Our words of need can sometimes keep us in need. Be careful of the words you are speaking over your situation. Speak life. Speak faith. Speak healing. Speak prosperity. While you are speaking he is listening. Get the "BUT" out of the way. We are not "BUT" people. We are faith people. When are you are willing always remember that God is able. Your willing and God's able can become a "suddenly".
Instead of saying, " I want that house, BUT........" try saying, "that house belongs to me, in Jesus' name!". Faith speaks of those things that are unseen in the natural but seen in the spiritual. No more is it going to be "I feel a little better, BUT......" No! It is I am healed of God. That's it! God said it, that's settles it.
Okay, let's move on. One more important thing took place here at the Pool of Bethesda. Remember, the man never had to get in to the pool. After Jesus healed him he left him. While the man was walking around the town people asked who had healed him. The Bible says that not even the lame man knew who healed him. WOW! Wait a minute there! He didn't even know it was JESUS, the Healer himself who had healed him. So, that's it! There is the second thing. Check this out. Remember, I told you that Jesus could have kept the waters still in the pool? He could have had time stand still for this man to walk himself down to get in to the pool? Well, I believe he didn't because there was more that this man needed. It was more than just having him get in the pool. You see, too many believers are wanting a "Pool of Bethesda" moment in their life. They have a mentality that tells them they have to have someone pray for them. They have to go to the next big conference to get hands laid on them. Or maybe it is always need to get the next big book on healing, prosperity, or whatever the need is. My friends, I believe Jesus was trying to show this man that what he needed was right on the inside of him that whole time. Jesus just gave him an opportunity to believe it.
Now that we have Jesus living on the inside of us we have access to anything we need. The power is on the inside of you and me. The bible says in John 14: 12, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do."
What are you asking of the Lord? Whatever you ask know it is done! You don't have go on living in need of hope, faith, peace, wisdom, direction, healing. Those things are yours! Today, right now, where ever you may be, I want to you take a moment and truly believe in Jesus. He is every thing. I completely believe that God is on the inside me. I know that God is for me. I know that when I speak healing, it is done. When I speak help, it is mine. When I speak peace, it is mine! What do you need from Jesus? Ask it and it is yours.
Let us be people who not only believe what he says, but a people who walks it out.
Pray with me.
"Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank you that I have the same power living on the inside me that raised Jesus from the dead. Today, I believe now more than ever that I am equipped. I have all I need because I have Jesus. No longer will I go on wondering if you hear me. I am a child of the most high God. I believe Lord, therefore I will speak. My life is getting better, in Jesus' name. Amen."
I really needed to read this! Even in forgiving ourselves it can be hard. We always say forgive those who do you wrong. Like the song "losing" by Tenth Avenue North says, "Father please forgive them, they don't know what they've been doing. Father help me to forgive them cuz I feel like I'm the one losing". Sometimes it feels easier to forgive others than it is to forgive ourselves. I know I have been guilty of saying, God do you hear me? Can you forgive ME? I need a word or someone to pray for me. And Patty, you nailed it when you said, Jesus is on the inside of you! You have what you need on the inside of you to believe for what you are wanting! Amazing! Thank you for blogging this message! I look forward to reading more!