Monday, September 16, 2013

God's Truth Vs. The Lies of the Enemy

The Bible says in John Chapter 8 verse 32, "And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free."

One of the factors that puts us back in life are lies. Lies others tell us, lies we tell others, and lies we tell ourselves. I know for sure that there have been many times I have been lied to from friends, relationships, and even family members. I can even remember the lies I told myself. Recently, I was given the opportunity to teach a children's church. This was the scripture for the lesson. While teaching them the basics such as we should not lie to our parents or to our teachers I found myself going in a different direction that lead us all to understand that there is one very important person who we also lie to. That person being us, ourselves. When we begin to say these things to ourselves we will start to feed on it and say another lie and another and another. We then begin to believe those lies.

Let's look at the scripture. It says that when we know the TRUTH the TRUTH will make us or set us free. Well, what is the truth? The Truth is the Word, God's Word. It is the truth that Jesus came to teach us. How do we know what we are saying to ourselves is truth or a lie from the enemy? Well, is what we are saying over ourselves, our friendships, our relationships, our children from God's word or lies of the enemy. For example, God wants me poor is a lie from the enemy. God gave me sickness to teach me a lesson is a lie. I am depressed. I can't do anything without failing. Those are all lies from the enemy. Who is the enemy? The one who is against you and all the good that God Is.

Jesus is telling us that once we understand this truth (God's word) we will be freed. Freed from what? Sin also known as the enemies lies. When we understand who God created us to be, how we are to live, what we are to do in this world the enemy loses power. He has no hold on us! It is very important for us to read God's word, hear God's word, and then apply what we are learning. Putting those things in our lives, our minds is what will get the stinkin' thinkin' out!

Instead of feeling depressed we can now confess every day that the joy of the lord is our strength. Instead of feeling broke down, busted, and disgusted we can confess that we are victorious and prosperous in Christ Jesus. All you have to begin doing is recognize the lies of the enemy and replace it with God's truth, His Word.

Keep in mind that as you begin to change the way you think you may not feel so awesome. I assure you, the more you do it the more it becomes you! Keep doing it! Keep speaking it!

One last thing, the Bible says in John 8:44 that Satan is the father of all lies. There is absolutely NO truth in him. Our Father, if you are a believer in Jesus is God the Father. In Him there is life.

:) Patty

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