Monday, September 16, 2013

Take the Thankful Challenge

We can take our mind off of the negative things by placing our thoughts on the positive. Sounds easy, right? Sometimes it is easier said than done. I know. However, if we begin to do little acts such as the one I am going to share with you it will bring about a joy in your heart for bringing joy to someone. I am a firm believer in what I make happen for someone else God will make happen for me. Ready, Set, Go! Here is your challenge.

Thankful Challenge for the week:

How many people have blessed you recently and you need to thank them for it? Is your child's teacher in need of a 'thank you'? How about your Pastors? How about the grocery lady or the crosswalk guide at school? How about the bus lady or man who wakes up at 4 a.m. every day to make sure your child is picked up on time? Or, perhaps the friend who called to encourage you?

Tell them 'thank you' this week. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or expensive. A simple THANK YOU goes a long way.

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